hope this usefull

Friday, July 13, 2012

Daily Idiom

                                                                        Daily Idiom

            Here we go again, with another post of course. In this chance I’ll share little bit about idiom that often used by the native speaker in their daily life and its example. An idiom it self is a group words that has a special meaning different from the meanings of its component parts,” (Howard).
            Why we should know about idiom? Well that question often comes to before I posting this. We should know about idiom because if we learn English, we like it or no but we’ll find it, it’s existed everywhere. It can be in your handbook, English novel, movies subtitle, and song lyrics, the matter is we just don’t realize that before. That’s why sometime we find the phrase or a sentence that we know its meaning for every word, but apparently that phrase or (sentence) has special meaning. For instance:  (A walk in the park) you pretty sure it means “walking in the park” if you don’t know it was an idiom. A walk in the park is means that a job which really easy to do, just like a piece of paper (another idiom). Don’t you see that dude?? By saying some idioms to your mates will make you sound smarter. J   But remember, perspective does not change the fact. J

Here are some popular idioms that exist in daily life:

A Slip of the tongue    : Salah bicara/omong.
Contoh                         : I got a slip of my tongue while presenting my task.

Hits the book              : Belajar.
Contoh                         : if you want to get a good mark then hit the book!

Middle of nowhere      : Ditengah entah berantah, jauh dari mana-mana
Contoh                         : “what is this place?? We are now obviously in the middle of nowhere”

Playing with fire           : Melakukan sesuatu yang bisa membahayakan diri sendiri/orang                                     lain dikemudian hari.

Talk turkey                : Bicara blak-blakan secara serius tentang sesuatu.
Contoh                         : “let’s talk turkey”

Break a leg                 : Semoga berhasil! (Good luck!)
Contoh                         : “I heard you are going to have an examination. Break a leg dude!

Idle away                    : Membuang-buang waktu, bermalas-malalan
Contoh                         : “I will not idle away”

Prime of life                : Masa remaja
Contoh                         : “you can’t always stay in your prime life

Let Someone know     : Menginformasikan, memberitahu
Contoh                        : If you find my wallet, please let me know

Death president          : Uang
Contoh                         : I’m totally broke now, I have no dead president in my pocket

Run out of                   : Kehabisan
Contoh                         : This bike is running out of gasoline

Buy for cash               : Membeli dengan kontan
Contoh                         : in this bookstore everybody should buy for cash

Babes and suckling     : Anak kemarin sore/ anak bawang
Contoh                         : she just babes and suckling

Keep promise             : Menepati janji
Contoh                         : as a man you have to keep a promise!

Ugly costumer            : Orang yang berbahaya
Contoh                         : just be careful, he is an ugly costumer

Well that all for now guys, Next time I’ll put others daily idiom.  


  1. Nice, never stop giving then :D

  2. :l thanks mr.. I sud learn from ya.. :)

  3. gud joooobb hunny.....;), writing is difficult, but you proved that it was easy....:D

  4. two thumbs up.. :) i have to enrich my idioms... please posting these for more ian,,,


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