hope this usefull

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tips for Teaching Children

1.   Always Show your respect to your students and they do need it even they deserve it

2.   first thing you should do if you are teaching young learner are, create some easy rules which should be followed by them, and make sure that you will consistent for what you have made. Even though children are active in some aspects and usually they hate rules but they will follow some rules which made by their teacher because they usually try to be the best in front of their teacher.

3.   You should remember your students’ name from the very beginning you meet them. Mention their name while you are talking to them, while giving order, put their name when you are giving example in front of class and etc, you have no idea how happy they are when you do it and they will feel bad when their teacher don’t even remember their name so if you forget their name don’t let them know about it. (there are thousand ways to overcome this problem and you just need one of themJ)

4.  One of many facts about children is they are so active and can’t stay quiet, and the key when you teach them is you should show your students what to do. Give them direct example, when you do it, I’m pretty sure that you’ll get their attention and they will follow your lead. Many students need to learn by experienced not to hear long explanation.

5.   Don’t ever embarrass them for making mistakes; all they need when they make a mistake is a motivation from the right person which they believe can make them better and that is you.

6.   Use eye contacts to communicate with them, or while you are giving a warning.

7.   Always be pleasant surprised when your students interact with you or with their mate in English even though it’s just a simple word or sentence.

8.   Convince your student that you understand their English. (if you really have no idea what they mean, just guess or give simple question back to them)

9.   Be their "Teacher," not their parents. J Simple thing about teacher for children is they always believe for everything you told them. Make sure you give them the right things to be heard

10.Don’t always be their teacher, try to be their friend, be an actor or a joker to get closer to them.

11. reinforcement is needed, give compliment for every single things that they did for you

Monday, July 16, 2012

Common Mistakes Made by English Learner

           Glad to have you keep reading my blog, I do appreciate that, this time I’d like to share about 9 common mistakes which often made by English learner. I found these usually in the middle of conversation. Let’s check it out.

1.       Where Rafa Comes from?                                           
Where does Rafa come from?

Kurang tepat


Note: “Does” used in interrogative sentence (present tense form)

2.       Do you free tonight?

Are you free tonight?
Kurang tepat

Note: “Are (tobe) +subject (you) +adverb (free) ”

3.       Ian have a bike

Ian has a bike
Kurang tepat

Note: “Has” use for third person (Ian, Susan, he, she, it), for plural subject, we use “Have”

4.       Riyang is fond with ice cream

Riyang is fond of ice cream
Kurang tepat

Note: “fond” should be followed by preposition of.

5.       This cell phone is same with mine

This cell phone is same as mine
Kurang tepat

Note: “Same” should be followed by “as”

6.       They are Crazy with futsal

They are crazy about futsal
Kuarang tepat

Note: “crazy” should be followed by “about”

7.       My campus is close with the his house

My campus is close to his house
Kurang tepat

Note: “Close” in that sentence should be followed by “to”

8.       We will go to swimming someday

We will go swimming someday
Kurang tepat

Note: “GO” + another verb = Gerund,  

9.       I play football beside futsal

I play football besides futsal
Kurang tepat

Note: “besides” is preposition which is used to tell something else and “beside” is used to tell a position, for instance: I’m sitting beside her.  

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Tips for fun learning speaking English

           We can not deny that English has become the most popular language in the world, nowadays almost everything is written in English language, so if you are able in speaking English it will give you some advantages. And if you are now in the middle of learning this language I have some tips to be shared.

1.   Enrich your vocabulary

Before We able to speak any language, of course we need to collect vocabulary of language that we learn. Remember when we were kids?? Before starting to speak a sentence, we learn and memorize vocabulary first. Same case with English language, if want to be able speaking English, you need to enrich your vocabulary.

2.  Rent or buy an English movie (or get the soft copy with English subtitle)

          This is the right choice if you have same hobby like me. First tip from me is watching movie with English subtitle on. By seeing the subtitle and hearing the way it pronounce, you will be able to compare the written form and how it’s pronounced. It will be good if you also imitate the way some words pronounce, remember practice make you perfect. By learning in this way you need to keep your dictionary handy to find out the meaning of some new or difficult word which are exist on that movie.

3.   Chat with fluent English speakers

          Of course we need to do this, because learning from better person make us better as well. If you want to be able speak English fluently, I suggest you to chat with fluent English speakers (it could be your mate friend, or native speaker). Let’s make friends with interesting English speakers.

4.  Join some English group (real, or online)

          There are many Groups of English, if you are in the school grade, then there are some groups which usually exists such English club, SAC, Debating team so join them and practice with them. And there are many group of English in internet, you just need to pick the right one.

          5.   Read about any subject that interests you

          This will be problem if you are hate reading, but remember that reading is one of big input that we need while we are learning. Try to find subject that you interest to read. No matter what subject it is, there are many English magazines, or you can find some articles which written in English. Some novels and short stories also available in English language read them cover to cover and collect some new vocabulary.

          6.  Listen to the Radio, English song and TV

          Radio has some good programs that are designed to share about English to the listener. Besides the radio, you could also listen to the "News in English". It’s available on a wide variety of channels. The news is a good place to get input of the English language because it is spoken in a very clear, easy to understand way.
          Or you can hear to English song by it subtitles, this way pretty much the same with watching English movie. Make sure to find the new word and phrase then look for the meaning in dictionary.
Note: some English song contain word that inappropriate to utter, be smart to         chose

          7.   Most effective tip: "Think in English"

          One of the most common mistakes that made by English learners is, they think in their mother tongue. When they want to say something in English, they think in their mother tongue, translate it to English and then say it in English. And you know how the result gonna be. You better don’t do this! If you wanna speak in English fluently you will have to learn to "think" in English. When you are constructing sentences in your mind before saying them, think in English and form them in English in your mind.

Don’t forget to practice your English every single chance, no matter what…
Good luck guys!

To be going to Versus Will

            To be going to is used to describe thing which will be done by us. Something that has been scheduled and must be done so it’s more that just planning.
            To be going to digunakan ketika kita membicarakan sesuatu yang akan dikerjakan. Sesuatu yang sudah kita jadwalkan dan pasti akan kita kerjakan, artinya bukan hanya sekadar rencana. (ketika hal tersebut hanyalah sebuah rencana kita menggunakan ‘will’).
S   +   to be   +   going to   +   V
1.    Wanto is going to go to Tais tomorrow morning
dalam kalimat diatas, kita dapat memastikan bahwa Wanto sudah pasti pergi ke jakarta besok pagi.
2.    I am going to play futsal tonight
Saya sudah pasti akan bermain futsal malam ini.
3.    They are going to go to KKN place this week
Mereka pasti akan pergi ke tempat KKN.
To be going to also used to tell something which is going to happen based on the clue that we got.
To be going to biasanya juga digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang akan terjadi berdasarkan fakta –fakta yang telah ada.
4.    She is going to give birth
Dia sudah pasti akan melahirkan, (ketika kalimat diucapkan si penutur telah melihat bahwa dia {perempuan} sedang hamil)
5.    It’s going to rain
Dalam konteks ini, si penutur telah melihat tanda-tanda akan turunnya hujan seperti awan yang telah menghitam atau mendung.
6.    Spanyol is going to win this match
Dalam situasi ini, penutur sangat yakin bahwa Spanyol akan memenangkan pertandingan setelah melihat Spanyol telah unggul 2-3 gol terhadap lawannya.

            The simple things that we should remember is Verb that we used in those sentences should be V1. And now, what are the differences from will??
*Will is used to tell a plan which we are not sure yet.
 “Will” digunakan untuk membicarakan suatu rencana yang belum pasti akan dilakukan.
S   +   will   +   V
1. Yusef will go to Jakarta for holiday (belum pasti kapan akan perginya)
2. He will back home (belum pasti akan pulang)
3. Asya will go to Bandung to meet her old friend. (belum pasti akan pergi)

         Each sentence told about plan but all of those are not sure yet to be done. So girls be careful when your boy friend said that “i will love you forever”, remember the formula that will is used for unsure plan. :)

“Will” also used to tell something utter spontaneously.
Will juga digunakan untuk sesuatu yang spontan diucapkan.
Coba pelajari baik-baik dialog di bawah ini:
Teacher is teaching in front of class, then suddenly his pen fall, then…
Ian                 : I will pick it for you sir.
Teacher         : Ok, thanks.